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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

 Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

        Every one of us has the opportunity and rights. Opportunity is a good chance for advancements or progress to the one’s life.

Women and men should be equal in our community. If men have the right to be a part of the politics, women should also have the right to be a part of the politics. Now days there are works that women can do that man who are the one who have rights to work for this job. In our life people should respect whatever kind of life, rich or poor should be respected by anyone. Today is generation    in applying work to a company, if you have no relative or friend in the company, it’s hard to hire for a job but if you have a relative or friend in that company it is easy for you to find a job, but that is not good. Managers should also look first their performance before getting their workers.

So in this little ways, we have the so called equal rights and equal opportunities.

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